Wednesday, February 8, 2012

My Favorite 40K units

I have been noticing that my desk is full of minis that I love but why do I love them?

Some of my favorite units...

1. Dreadnoughts all variants, I love converting these and magnetizing them and I own 9, now 10 Chaplain Dreadnought (converted) Next week I plan on buying some more...

2. Daemon Prince and Daemon Princes. I own 3 and am converting 1 using the Ghorgon/ Cygor kit

3. Avatar of Khaine and the Wraithlord bad@$$ in the game

4. Harlequins, I want to paint these... its like painting for the soul...enough said....

5. Trygon and the Mawloc loved building these. I own 1 of each, if only the rest of the army was this fun to assemble I would have so much fun painting them, on that thought I still need a color scheme (Help)

6. IG Sentinel or the Flyers, Sentinels u ask because their like Dreadnoughts...Bigger Dreadnoughts...

7. Exorcist this tanks a looker

8. Storm Raven, looks B e a u t i f u l, I want to paint one! GW add it to the Space Marine Codex pretty please. I`m not above begging and if you say no I may just paint one anyway.

9. Nemesis Dreadknight? I love and hate this model because it makes my Dreadnoughts look small, but converting it to a running pose was fun
I want to face a Grey Knights player so I can bring my Dreadnought list against him, for the only reason that i would aim all my Dreadnought at it and watch it go up in flames.
I want to see it suffer and the overkill may make me happy again.

10. Monolith why u ask, because if I buy one u may not see or hear from me for a year, I want to paint so much on that thing, I may start with painting it liquid gold or maybe freehand first, oh the painting options are endless

11. Honour Guard why because they look and paint amazingly.
I have never played them but I still have them very high on my assemble list.
OK well as you and I can tell I love them mostly for painting reasons except the Dreadnoughts I have no clue why I love them maybe its their fluff or look or everything, my Precious?

So you may notice I have stopped painting, its because I have so many models to build.
Here is an example: I want to assemble and magnetize all 18 Honour Guard, I want to assemble my 1850 Tactical 5 lascannon spam list and there five Rhinos. 
Oh and you may have heard I started a Word Bearer Warband and its a foot slogging list lot o marines and conversions and ideas.
I have so much on my plate and I have recently simple greened my first dreadnoughts so I want to paint all my dreadnoughts that is ten so far maybe 12 by next week.
I have finally chosen a color scheme for my Blood Marines here is a Assault Marine.

What are your favorite 40k minis?